Sunday, March 27, 2016


Music revolves around scales. They make up everything and it is impossible to not use them. There are many types of scales such as major, minor, melodic, harmonic, and more. In this blog, I will be discussing the importance of the 12 major scales.

The 12 major scales include C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, G, D, A, E, B, and F#. Each scale contains a different series of notes starting with the name of the scale. There are five flat scales, six sharp scales, and C, which contains all natural notes. Every piece of music is written in a certain key, which is the same thing as a scale. This determines what notes everyone will play. Each key sounds slightly different, giving each piece of music a unique sound.

It is very important to memorize all 12 major scales if you want to become a serious musician. Music is created by simply developing relationships between notes. Once you reach the point where you can look at a piece of music and analyze the relationships between notes, everything immediately becomes much easier. Instead of seeing random notes, you can see how the notes fit together and are the role they play in the relationships. This is why the major scales are so important to music.

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